博客來精選推薦Clean and Dirty Drinking- 100+ Recipes for Making Delicious Elixirs, With or Without Booze


Clean and Dirty Drinking- 100+ Recipes for Making Delicious Elixirs, With or Without Booze

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Clean and Dirty Drinking- 100+ Recipes for Making Delicious Elixirs, With or Without Booze

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Clean and Dirty Drinking- 100+ Recipes for Making Delicious Elixirs, With or Without Booze


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Drink to health with this vibrant collection of tasty cocktails that promote wellness from the inside out. Inspired by the seasons, each of these 24 cocktail recipes includes ways to enjoy the drink "clean" (sans alcohol) or "dirty" (with alcohol), with ingredients aimed at promoting health. From a refreshing and revitalizing rhubarb and coconut sparkler (the optional splash of gin makes this perfect for a summer baby shower), to inflammation-busting turmeric in a spicy, non-alcoholic version of a Moscow Mule, each drink is equal parts eye-catching, healthful, and most of all, delicious. Part One is dedicated to 75 recipes for elements of a perfect cocktail—flavored ice, infusions, foams, syrups, and more—making this book an essential source for anyone looking to up their mixology game with new and innovative ingredients and technqiues.


  • 作者: Mlynarczyk, Gabriella/ Cornett, Grant (ILT)
  • 原文出版社:Chronicle Books Llc
  • 出版日期:2018/07/24
  • 語言:英文

Clean and Dirty Drinking- 100+ Recipes for Making Delicious Elixirs, With or Without Booze


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